Social security, labor law and other audits
We advise our Clients how to act to avoid the charge of failing to comply with the law and other related risks.
We implement preventive programs in the area of compliance. We audit the solutions used by our Clients for accuracy and legality. Based on many years of experience, we advise the Clients which areas are the most likely to be the object of an official audit. We analyze the Client’s actions in these domains, we indicate possible compliance failures, and we suggest specific solutions to eliminate them.
We conduct trainings on the scope and typical course of audits carried out by the different organs. We suggest which areas should receive special attention and what to expect during the audit.
Should audit proceedings be launched, we provide our Clients with comprehensive support, making sure that the process is properly conducted. We represent the Client.
We advise on the most effective implementation of post-audit recommendations. In the case of baseless recommendations, we help prepare clarifications or appeals against the decisions.
We have been successfully representing Clients in litigation against administrative organs, including in criminal proceedings launched at their request. We have won multiple cases against the Social Security Institution (ZUS), in particular ones concerning benefits paid from the company social fund or the payment of social security premiums on the remuneration of subcontractors, as well as multiple cases brought by the National Labor Inspectorate concerning failure to comply with the law on the dismissal of employees with special trade union protection and breaches of the ban on work in retail during selected religious holidays.