Non-compete agreements, unfair competition, conflict of interest
In order to protect our Clients from losses stemming from unfair competition practices, violations of non-compete agreements or conflict of interest, we focus on prevention, just like our compliance specialists.
We prepare and implement procedures and policies ensuring that confidential information stays secure. We prepare non-disclosure agreements and non-compete agreements that are tailored to the Client’s individual needs and that take into account current case law in this area as well as the nature of the Client’s industry. The key issue is correctly defining what a trade secret is and what constitutes competitive activity.
We recommend solutions aimed at ensuring that agreements with employees are effective. We advise how to define and secure trade secrets. In non-compete agreements, we introduce clauses that ensure their actual execution and give the Client a basis to demand that the former employee refrain from competitive activity.
We prepare and implement procedures for preventing, identifying and counteracting conflict of interest. Family ties between employees, relationships between subordinates and superiors, the employment of relatives in competing companies - we recommend how to deal with such situations and what actions to undertake to avoid charges of interfering with the employees' privacy on the one hand while protecting the employer’s interests on the other.
We conduct practical trainings and workshops in the area of non-compete clauses, conflict of interest and protection of confidential information.
In the case of infringements, we help minimize negative consequences, enforce remedies and ensure that further infringements cease. We have many years of experience in litigation in this area.
We represent our Clients in litigation against individuals who violate non-compete clauses or non-disclosure agreements, who are in conflict of interest or who commit acts of unfair competition (including persuading employees to terminate their employment).
We provide our Clients with PR and communications support, both in internal relations and externally, in the case of infringements concerning unfair competition, non-compete clauses or conflict of interest (e.g. disclosure of confidential information, the acquisition of a group of employees by a competitor etc.). We operate a crisis management practice, within which we provide full service on such processes.