PRO HR February 2022


What is the newest issue of the employer newsletter about?

2022 will be for many employers a year of challenges associated with building a diverse and inclusive workplace.  

An employer may impose a disciplinary penalty for an employee's violation of certain duties. Practice shows that this is a good means of disciplining employees who are not in managerial positions.

The rules for applying for visas in the Poland.Business Harbour ("PBH") programme for employees in the IT / New Tech area are changing. A dedicated visa allows you to work without a work permit.

By 2 August this year, Poland must implement the so-called Work-Life Balance Directive (i.e. Directive (EU) 2019/1158 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on work-life balance for parents and carers). 

The employer's risk assessment for the job should only consider the actual risks to which the employee is exposed due to the work process under normal conditions.