Poland.Business Harbour rules are changing | PRO HR February 2022


The rules for applying for visas in the Poland.Business Harbour ("PBH") programme for employees in the IT / New Tech area are changing. A dedicated visa allows you to work without a work permit. 

From 1 February 2022, Belarusian citizens must have a document confirming their willingness to be employed by a Polish entity. Previously, they could apply for visas without such a document, based solely on experience and/or education. Consequently, the conditions for participation in the programme are the same for all foreigners. 

The PBH programme has been expanded to include another country - Azerbaijan. Currently, the programme is open to foreigners from 7 countries - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine.

Despite the extension of the programme, there is still no solution that would allow foreigners staying in Poland on the basis of a PBH visa to seamlessly continue working after its expiry. 

Find more in the PRO HR February 2022.