PRO HR January 2022
What is the newest issue of the employer newsletter about?
Contrary to media reports, as of 1 January 2022, workplace burnout cannot be considered an illness excusing absence from work.
The validity of declarations on entrusting work to a foreigner is extended to 24 months. The currently required period of the break in employment on the basis of the declaration is also to be eliminated.
A bill on testing employees and collecting information on vaccination or past infection is moving the Polish Parliament.
On Christmas Eve, a new regulation came into force regarding, among other things, compensation policies at brokerage houses. In addition, in December 2021, the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments was amended.
Within 2 months following a transfer of a work establishment or part thereof to another employer, an employee may terminate his/her employment without notice with 7 days' notice.
We come across a belief among clients that if an employee has not requested an accident investigation, the employer has no obligation to conduct it, especially when the employee has not suffered any major injuries. This is a mistaken view.
If an employee requests a special desk and chair and presents the employer with a disability certificate, the employer is obligated to purchase such equipment.