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EVENTS 2022 | Conferences, seminars, workshops, that we participate in

Remuneration policies in the financial sector - reporting, risk management and ESG standards

Date: 25-26 May 2022
Place: Stationary or online
Organiser: MMC Poland

During the two-day conference, experts will talk about remuneration and incentive systems, reporting procedures, risk management and taking into account ESG standards in remuneration activities.
Natalia Łokińska will talk about the principles of preparing payroll reports on remuneration of employees whose professional activity has a material impact on the risk profile of an institution. 

Detailed information available on the organiser's website.

5th ABI Expert Forum

Date: 23-25 May 2022
Place: Stationary or online
Organizer: ABI Expert

During the conference, experts will talk about the problems arising from the process of implementation of data protection regulations after the beginning of application of GDPR.
On the second day of the conference Dominika Dorre-Kolasa and Michalina Kaczmarczyk will talk about personal data retention in recruitment processes conducted in a traditional and automated way. 

Detailed information is available on the organiser's website. 

Past events

The war in Ukraine - what does HR need to know?

Date: 8 April 2022 
Venue: online 
Organiser: MMC Poland 

During the training course Iwona Jaroszewska-Ignatowska PhD and Michał Kacprzyk PhD will discuss the most important issues related to the labour market in the face of the war in Ukraine. They will talk, among others, about the rules of entry into Poland, the law on assistance to Ukrainian citizens and HR challenges for the coming weeks. 

The meeting will be concluded with a Q&A panel.

Detailed information is available on the organiser's website. 

National conference "The whistleblower and data protection"

Date: 8 April 2022
Place: online
Organizer: University of Wroclaw 

The conference will discuss, among others, the implementation of the provisions of the Whistleblower Directive into the national legal order, how to adjust the RODO system accordingly, as well as the secrecy of whistleblowing and the responsibility of an employee - whistleblower.

Dominika Dorre Kolasa will use her experience to talk about investigation proceedings.

Detailed information available on the organiser's website.

2022 AILA Border Issues Virtual Conference

Date: 30-31 March 2022
Venue: online
Organiser: AILA 

During the 2-day conference current issues related to global mobility will be presented. Experts will focus on the latest trends and problems associated with them. 

During the panel on the military crisis in Ukraine, Michał Kacprzyk will talk about the immigration procedures implemented by governments to help those fleeing the war. He will also discuss the impact of sanctions imposed on Russia and Belarus on the immigration process. 

Detailed information is available on the organizer's website.

Conference: Labour Law and Remuneration 2022

Date: 22-23 March 2022
Venue: Marriott Hotel or online
Organiser: Dom Wiedzy Staniurski i Wspólnicy 

During the two-day conference, current issues and rulings concerning labour law and remuneration will be presented. Topics to be discussed will include work regulations, employee documentation, penalties, overtime compensation. 
Janusz Tomczak will talk about new obligations of employers and rights of employees resulting from the whistleblower protection directive introduced on 17 December 2021.

Detailed information is available on the organiser's website. 

Collective labour law - 3 years after the reform. Breakthrough or stagnation?

Date: 15 March 2022
Venue: Marriott Hotel or online
Organiser: Dom Wiedzy Staniurski i Wspólnicy 

During the two-day conference, current issues and rulings concerning labour law and remuneration will be presented. Topics to be discussed will include work regulations, employee documentation, penalties, overtime compensation. 
Janusz Tomczak will talk about new obligations of employers and rights of employees resulting from the whistleblower protection directive introduced on 17 December 2021.

Detailed information is available on the organiser's website. 


HR Challenge Poland 2022

Date: 9-10 March 2022
Venue: Online
Organizer: Brave conferences 

HR Challenge Poland 2022 is a two-day conference devoted to HR issues. During the conference you will learn how to lead your organization through the process of (digital) transformation and adjust the business model to the new reality, how to support the development of leaders in dynamically changing organizations and how to attract and keep a talented and desired by the competition employee.

During the second day of the congress Ph.D. Iwona Jaroszewska-Ignatowska will give a presentation as part of the panel discussion "Subsidies for employees in a hybrid work model".

Detailed information available at the organiser's website.

Conference: 5th Labour Law Congress

Date: 23-25 February 2022
Venue: Online
Organiser: Must Read Media  

The Labour Law Congress is a two-day conference dedicated to labour law, HR, social security and trade union issues.
Speakers at the congress will include: 

  • Piotr Lewandowski, who will discuss the legal liability of employers for accidents at work
  • Zuzanna Rosner-Laskorzyńska, who will talk about the challenges faced by employers when returning to work after parental leave and will provide practical tips on how to deal with them 
  • Piotr Graczyk, who will talk about how to avoid and minimise the negative effects of litigation with employees.

Detailed information is available on the organiser's website.

New regulations on remote working

Date: 22 February 2022
Venue: Online
Organiser: Must Read Media  

The Labour Law Congress is a two-day conference dedicated to labour law, HR, social security and trade union issues.
Speakers at the congress will include: 

  • Piotr Lewandowski, who will discuss the legal liability of employers for accidents at work
  • Zuzanna Rosner-Laskorzyńska, who will talk about the challenges faced by employers when returning to work after parental leave and will provide practical tips on how to deal with them 
  • Piotr Graczyk, who will talk about how to avoid and minimise the negative effects of litigation with employees.

Detailed information is available on the organiser's website.

Conference: 16th Data Protection Day

Date: 28 January 2022
Venue: Online
Organiser: The Personal Data Protection Office (UODO) 

The theme of this year's edition will be "Personal data protection on a daily basis". 
Dominika Dörre-Kolasa, PhD will be a panelist during the session "Employee-employer relations, challenges and tasks in the context of personal data protection"

Detailed information is available on the organiser's website. 

Conference: 5th Labour Law Congress

Date: 26 January 2022
Venue: Online
Organiser: SABI Association of Data Protection Inspectors 

During the 7th edition of the DPI Day, experts will talk about new trends in personal data protection in 2022, the professionalisation of the performance of the DPI function, as well as the problems and challenges facing DPIs during the ongoing pandemic. The conference is held under the patronage of the President of Personal Data Protection.

Michalina Kaczmarczyk will be a speaker in the panel "Challenges for DPIs in times of epidemics.

Detailed information is available on the organiser's website.

DPI Day: Challenges and standards for Data Protection Inspectors in 2022

Date: 26 January 2022
Venue: Online
Organiser: SABI Association of Data Protection Inspectors 

During the 7th edition of the DPI Day, experts will talk about new trends in personal data protection in 2022, the professionalisation of the performance of the DPI function, as well as the problems and challenges facing DPIs during the ongoing pandemic. The conference is held under the patronage of the President of Personal Data Protection.

Michalina Kaczmarczyk will be a speaker in the panel "Challenges for DPIs in times of epidemics.

Detailed information is available on the organiser's website.


Conference: Occupational burnout on target

Date: 25 January 2022
Venue: Online
Organiser: Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers 

We would like to invite you to an event summarising the social action "Job burnout on target", of which we are a substantive partner.
Łukasz Kuczkowski will talk about whether and why burnout can be a reason for  sick leave.

Detailed information available here. 


Webinar: The New-look Workplace – Part I

Date: 23 November 2021
Venue: Online
Organiser: Ius Laboris 

During the webinar, panelists from Raczkowski (Janusz Tomczak), Claeys & Engels, KLIEMT.Arbeitsrecht, Sackers and Toffoletto De Luca Tamajo will talk about what hybrid work challenges do employers face and how should the costs of remote work be shared?

Detailed information is available on the organiser's website

23rd Annual Conference of the International Bar Association 

Date: 3-5 November 2021
Venue: Madrid
Organiser: the IBA Criminal Law Committee and the Economic Crime Committee of the International Bar Association

This year's conference was dedicated to international crime, global trends in extradition law, protection of individuals and unfairly obtained benefits.
Janusz Tomczak was a speaker in the analytical session "How do you get rid of it? Environmental crimes in a transnational context and the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic". 

Detailed information available on the organiser's website.


Webinar: The impact of the European Prosecutor's Office in the fight against corruption

Date: 20 October 2021
Venue: Online
Organiser: the International Bar Association's Committee on Anti-Corruption Law, Economic Crime and Criminal Law 

During the event, Janusz Tomczak and other panellists from Poland, Italy and England looked at the functioning of the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO) and the current state of EU legislation on corruption. They also assessed whether and how the EPPO can increase the capacity to negotiate settlements, especially in cross-border cases. 

Detailed information is available on the organiser's website.



Webinar: COVID: the union response. What kind of challenges the trade unions have faced during COVID and how they have responded so far?

Date: 13 October 2021
Venue: Online
Organiser: Ius Laboris 

During the Ius Laboris webinar, panelists from Raczkowski (Katarzyna Dobkowska, attorney-at-law, partner), KLIEMT.Arbeitsrecht, Capstan Avocats, Toffoletto De Luca Tamajo and Sagardoy Abogados will talk about whether trade unions are as relevant as they once were and how they can ensure their influence in the future.

Detailed information is available on the organiser's website. 


HR and Payroll Conference 2022

Date: 18-19 October 2022
Venue: Online
Organiser: Centre of Legal and Tax Knowledge

The conference is devoted to, among others, the most important changes in labour and payroll legislation and practical problems in employee settlements.

During the conference Łukasz Kuczkowski will talk about "What changes await us in 2022 in terms of parental entitlements?".

Detailed information is available on the organiser's website


HR and Payroll Conference 2021

Date: 26 June 2021
Venue: Online
Organiser: Must Read Media

This year's edition was devoted to current problems in the field of human resources and payroll management. 

Speakers: Łukasz Kuczkowski, who discussed the issue of terminating employment contracts and Adam Alkadi, who discussed the issue of reimbursement of remote work. 

Detailed information is available on the Must Read Media's website. 


Webinar: How to manage whistleblowing and other HR investigations

Date: 10 June 2021
Venue: Online
Organiser: Ius Laboris 

During the Ius Laboris webinar, panelists from Raczkowski (Janusz Tomczak, attorney, partner), FordHarrison LLP, ALRUD Law Firm, and Lewis Silkin looked at whistleblowing systems in place in the US, Russia, the UK, and Poland, and discussed privacy protection in investigations.

Detailed information is available on the Ius Laboris website. 

IV Forum ABI Expert 

Date: 24-25 April 2021 
Venue: Online
Organiser: ABI Expert

Experts on RODO discussed the most important issues in this area, including proceedings before the President of the DPAO, classification of incidents and their reporting and data security breaches related to PESEL number. 

Dominika Dörre-Kolasa, PhD., discussed the problems of personal data protection in collective labour law.

Detailed information available on the Abi Expert website. 

Conference HR and Payroll

Date: 23 April 2021
Organiser: Centre of Legal and Tax Knowledge 
Venue: Online    

This year's edition was devoted to, among other things, the latest changes in regulations and Supreme Court rulings as well as current issues in HR.
Łukasz Kuczkowski discussed the topic of obligations related to the Covid-19 epidemic, in particular concerning preventive examinations. 

Detailed information is available on the CWPP's website.


6th edition of the Personal Data Protection Law Congress

Date: 21-23 April 2021
Venue: Online
Organiser: Must Read Media

The conference addressed the most relevant issues of RODO among specialists and practitioners. Experts in the field of personal data focused on the issue of personal data protection in cyberspace and in practice. 

During the congress Dominika Dörre-Kolasa, PhD, and Michalina Kaczmarczyk, talked about personal data protection in HR. 

Details and registration on the Must Read Media website.


Third edition of the Labour Law Congress

Date: 15-16 April 2021
Venue: Online
Organiser: Must Read Media

The third edition of the Labour Law Congress is a two-day conference devoted to the most important issues in HR law. Experts addressed labour law and social security issues and looked at trade unions. 

Speakers: Dominika Dörre-Kolasa, PhD., who talked about employee activity in social media versus employer image and Katarzyna Sarek-Sadurska, who talked about paperless in employment. 

Details and registration on the Must Read Media website


Workshop "Changes in AML regulations and practical aspects of their implementation"

Date: 14-15 April 2021
Venue: Westin/Online Hotel (hybrid formula)
Organiser: MMC Poland

This year's workshop was devoted to the practical aspects of AML implementation. 
Damian Tokarczyk, PhD., presented on "What should an effective internal control system in the AML area look like?"

Detailed information available on the MMC Poland website

Workshop "New rules for remuneration policies in financial institutions - implementation of EU regulations"

Date: 12-13 April 2021
Venue: Online
Organiser: MMC Poland

The conference was devoted to the new principles of remuneration policies in financial institutions –  implementation of EU regulations. 

During the conference Magdalena Skwara presented on the topic "Review of remuneration policies and changes in individual employment or managerial contracts with key employees".

Detailed information is available on the MMC Poland website.


National Conference on European Law "Global Village"

Date: 6 April 2021
Venue: Online 
Organiser: ELSA Katowice 

The conference discussed current European issues, including mechanisms and the benefits of membership of the European Union.

During the conference prof. Łukasz Pisarczyk discussed the issue of posting of workers after the amendment of the Directive. 

Detailed information available on the ELSA website.

National Scientific Conference on Labour Law "Flexible forms of employment"

Date: 30 March 2021
Venue: Online 
Organiser: ELSA 

Nowadays, when flexible working forms are more and more common, HR is being digitalised and remote working is going to stay with us for good, it is worth knowing the related regulations in detail. 

Nicole Gerwat presented on the topic "HR digitalization - not if, but when?" 

Detailed information available on the ELSA website.


Academy of Labour Law | Compliance in the field of labour law

Date: 23 March 2021
Organised by: Labour Law Academic Circle of the Faculty of Law, University of Warsaw

A series of six certified workshops, co-organised with leading international law firms.

Damian Tokarczyk, PhD., led a workshop on implementing a compliance system in the workplace.

Detailed information and registration available on the organiser's website.

Employment of temporary workers and GDPR

Date: 18 March 2021
Venue: Online
Organiser: Jagiellonian University in Kraków (

The conference was devoted to the topics of temporary work, outsourcing and recruitment, as well as processes involving the flow of personal data, both in terms of data of candidates, temporary employees, service contractors, and information processed in organizations in the performance of their tasks.

Speakers: Dominika Dörre-Kolasa, PhD., who spoke about personal data processing processes from the perspective of RODO and Iwona Jaroszewska-Ignatowska, PhD., who discussed the topic of hiring temporary employees. 

Detailed information and registration available on the GDPR website.

XXI Conference of the Chamber of Brokerage Houses

Date: 4-5 March 2021
Venue: Online
Organiser: Chamber of Brokerage Houses

This year's edition was devoted to the challenges that the post-pandemic labour market will face. Experts also looked at measures to limit the crisis and revive the economy. 

Katarzyna Sarek-Sadurska led the workshop: "Remuneration reports of listed company authorities - a new challenge for companies listed on the WSE".

Detailed information available on the Chamber of Brokerage Houses website.


Compliance Officer Forum    

Date: 24 February 2021    
Venue: Online
Organiser: Puls Biznesu 

The forum was devoted to creating an organisational culture that allows for the functioning of effective mechanisms of whistleblowing and protection of whistleblowers against retaliation.         

Janusz Tomczak spoke about „Creating an organizational culture that allows for the functioning of effective mechanisms reporting irregularities and protecting whistleblowers from retaliation.“

Detailed information available on the Puls Biznesu's website.


IX Meeting with HR Arena

Date: 29 January 2021
Where: Online
Organiser: HR Arena

The issue of vaccination against COVID-19 for employees will be discussed during the event. Find out if an employer can fire an employee if he or she refuses to vaccinate.

The congress will be attended by:

Details and registration available at HR Arena website


The 12th Congress of Investor Relations SEG

Date: 8-9 June 2021
Where: to be confirmed
Organiser: The Polish Association of Listed Companies SEG

The aim of the event is to expand business relations between listed companies and the capital market.

The congress will be attended by:

  • Katarzyna Sarek-Sadurska, partner, and attorney-at-law Dominka Dörre-Kolasa, PhD., partner, will be participating in a panel discussion devoted to human rights, and will conduct workshops on remuneration policies reporting.

Details and registration available at the 12th Congress of Investor Relations SEG website


HR Impact Conference

Date: December 7-10, 2020
Where: Online
Organiser: Forum Media Polska

The HR Impact Conference is dedicated to the influence of HR on the organization's business success in 2021. Business practitioners will discuss the key areas of importance for the functioning of the business in the scope of HR responsibility, such as strategic thinking of employees, HR data analysis, or implementation of innovation and competence development.

Who will be performing:

Details available at the website the organizer website.


Accountants and Financial Experts Congress

Date: December 9, 2020
Where: Online
Organiser: the Polish Institute of Business Development

The Accountants and Financial Experts Congress is devoted to the latest trends and solutions  improving   the accounting workflow. The agenda  includes such topics as electronic document circulation, electronic signature, digitization and automation, data security and integrated communication. The congress is addressed to financial directors, chief accountants and managers in financial departments.

Who will be performing:

  • Nicole Gerwat, attorney-at-law, will present on how to eliminate paper from business processes, i.e. document digitization.

Details available at the website the organizer website.



Due Diligence on Poland – Compliance and Enforcement Risks for Polish Business

Date: 8 December 2020 | 3:00 – 4:00pm CET | 2.00 – 3.00pm GMT
Where: Online
Organiser: Debevoise & Plimpton

What are the compliance challenges for foreign investors in Poland? Join us for a webinar where lawyers and compliance experts from Raczkowski and Debevoise joined by Dominika Stępińska-Duch, Head of Legal at TVN Discovery Group will discuss topics such as:

  • Implications of the Polish corporate governance rules on compliance management systems and liability of entities and individuals 
  • Pitfalls of the Polish corporate and individual liability regimes
  • The Polish enforcement landscape and the impact of rule of law concerning investors


  • Jane Shvets, Partner, Debevoise & Plimpton
  • Robin Lööf, International Counsel, Debevoise & Plimpton (Moderator)
  • Dominika Stępińska-Duch, Head of Legal, Management Board, TVN Discovery Group
  • Janusz Tomczak, Partner, Raczkowski

Details available at the website Due Diligence on Poland.


Effective HR Compliance

Date: 22-23 November 2020
Where: Sheraton Grand Warsaw
Organiser: MMC Polska

The conference is intended for CEOs, board members, directors and specialists. It raises the difficult topic of compliance with legal regulations and applicable ethical principles, as well as the need for cooperation of many departments to reduce the risk of non-compliance.

Who will be performing:

  • Damian Tokarczyk, advocate, senior lawyer with the topic "Proper handling of disputes and preventing litigation between the organization and the employee".

Details available at Effective HR Compliance website


The Polish Congress of personal Data Protection Law

Date: 18-20 November 2020 
Where: Online
Organiser: Must Read Media

The 5th edition of the congress raises the most important issues of GDPR among experts and practitioners. Personal data protection specialists will focus on protecting personal data in cyberspace, and in the current pandemic situation. They will also comment on inspections and motions of the Polish and European supervisory authorities.

Who will be performing:

  • Dominika Dörre-Kolasa, PhD., attorney-at-law, partner, will discuss “Equality policies, reporting and personal data protection in employment”.

Details available at the Polish Congress of Personal Data Protection Law website


The Legal HR Summit

Date: 4-5 November 2020
Where: Online
Organiser: Ius Laboris

The Legal HR Summit was a 2-day online conference focused on the future of the working world and providing insights into managing an international workforce. It brought together global law and HR leaders.

Who was attending:

  • Bartłomiej Raczkowski, advocate, managing partner in the session “How do you create a sense of community in teams when everyone is working from home?”

Details available at The Legal HR Summit


Employer liability for covid-19 infections

Date: 22 October 2020
Where: Online
Organiser: Akademia Wiedza i Praktyka

The webinar answered the most common questions of HR departments and business owners in the current epidemiological situation. How to provide employees with appropriate health and safety conditions? Can COVID-19 infection be considered an accident at work? What is the responsibility of the employer in the event of infection?

The webinar was hosted by:

Details available at Akademia Wiedza i Praktyka website

HR and Payroll Conference 2021

Date: 22-23 October 2020
Where: Online
Organiser: Centrum Wiedzy Prawno-Podatkowej

The HR and Payroll Conference is a practical and substantive meeting with experts in the field of labour law and remuneration. During this year's edition, the most important changes introduced by the "Anti-Crisis Shields" were discussed, as well as the changes planned in the near future. The latest case law, positions of authorities and interpretations adopted by them were also presented.

Who was performing:

  • Iwona Jaroszewska-Ignatowska, attorney-at-law, partner discussed: "The issues of planning and settling working time - what to pay attention to? How to correct any mistakes?"
  • Michał Kacprzyk, attorney-at-law, senior lawyer discussed "Settlement of the anti-crisis shield - challenges for employers who have used the benefits"

Details available at HR and Payroll Conference 2021 website

Webinar: New rules on posted workers in the EU – A second look 

Date: 23 October 2020
Where: Online
Organiser: Ius Laboris

During the webinar the speakers discussed the revised rules on posted workers and how the Directive is being implemented and what it all means for businesses.

The webinar was attended by:

  • Michał Kacprzyk, attorney-at-law, senior lawyer
  • Lawyers from Belgium, Italy, the UK, Estonia and Hungary

Details available at the “New rules on posted workers in the EU – A second look” website

Webinar: Working from home: a solution for the long term

Date: 8 October 2020
Where: Online
Organiser: Ius Laboris

Webinar was organised by COBALT Lithuania together with Ius Laboris.

The webinar was attended by:

  • Edyta Jagiełło, attorney-at-law, senior lawyer
  • Lawyers from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Poland and Belarus

Details available at Working from home: a solution for the long term” website

5th Next Generation Congress, FUTURE of NEXTgen!

Date: 5-6 October 2020
Where: Concordia Design in Poznan
Organiser: Instytut Biznesu Rodzinnego

The Congress was dedicated to young entrepreneurs on the threshold of their careers in family businesses. During two days, participants had the opportunity to take part in discussions and practical workshops on digitization, global trends and the role of the future leader.

Who was performing:

Details available at 5th Next Generation Congress, FUTURE of NEXTgen!

10th Forum of Chief Financial Officers

Date: 16-17 September 2020
Where: Online
Organiser: Blue Business Media

The conference is a platform for financial directors responsible for financial strategies to exchange knowledge and experience. During the event the speakers discussed topics such as legal and financial security of the company, the impact of the automation on the financial processes, the role and the challenges of the CFOs and their criminal and fiscal liability. 

Who was performing:

Details available at the 10th Forum of CFOs website



Motivation on Production

Date: 22-23 September 2020
Where: Online
Organiser: Blue Business Media

The aim of the 5th edition was to work out an effective method to motivate production workers to develop their competences and creativity. The main topic was workers’ motivation in a dynamic economic environment. The speakers discussed, among other topics, the role of the leader in the coronavirus era and ways to maintain a positive atmosphere in the workplace. 

Who was performing:

  • Katarzyna Sarek-Sadurska, attorney-at-law, partner presented on the “ABC of the Labour Code for production directors”.
  • dr Dominika Dörre-Kolasa, PhD., attorney-at-law, partner discussed “The effective recruitment of the production dream team – new challenges, duties and risks”.

 Details available at Motivation on Production website