PRO HR March 2024


The Equal Pay Directive (2023/970), which will be implemented in Poland, allows employees to compare each other in terms of pay (its amount and components) not only within the same Polish employer and the same category of employees.

Sole traders performing activities for their current or former employer that correspond to duties previously performed under an employment relationship may not benefit from preferential tax rates until the end of the relevant or subsequent tax year. 

As of 1 April 2024, new risk categories and new accident insurance premium rates will apply to 33 groups

We won a precedent-setting case before the Supreme Administrative Court concerning retention of recruitment data (ref. no. III OSK 2700/22) against the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion programmes and initiatives are delivering tangible benefits.

A further extension of the temporary protection period to 4 March 2025 is envisaged.

The decision is dictated by the stabilisation of the situation on the so-called 'Balkan route'. 


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