DEI programmes benefit employers and employees


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion programmes and initiatives are delivering tangible benefits. They positively influence employee engagement, wellbeing, cooperation, productivity and creativity and translate into a positive corporate image. They help to retain the best employees and at the same time reduce excessive staff turnover, attracting the most valuable candidates. They promote the exchange of diverse ways of thinking and perspectives. They allow employers to achieve better financial results, better empathise with and understand the customers' needs and win new business. They increase competitiveness and productivity. 

According to some studies, companies with diverse teams achieve higher (by up to 19-20%) innovation revenues. 

Implementing DEI strategies and initiatives is quite a challenge for employers. It requires adequate investment, resources, experience, a series of coordinated and well-considered actions. However, the benefits of the DEI cannot be overestimated. It is impossible to ignore or belittle them by claiming that DEI is just a trendy corporate trend that will soon pass.

Find more in the PRO HR March 2024.