PRO HR April 2022
What is the newest issue of the employer newsletter about?
Ukrainian citizens who are covered by the provisions of the special aid act can be employed without a PESEL number and work permit.
Covid restrictions have been relaxed as of March 28. Face masks are now mandatory only in medical facilities and pharmacies, at least until April 30.
The agreement, called the "Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework," provides, among other things, new rules and binding safeguards that will limit the access of U.S. intelligence to Europeans' data, taking into account the criteria of necessity and proportionality.
The employer should employ the employee to perform the work agreed upon in the employment contract. Under certain conditions, the employer may temporarily, for a period up to 3 months in the calendar year, entrust the employee with other work than that specified in the contract.
In the event of an inspection, the State Labour Inspection Service (PIP) will request documentation to verify whether the documents presented from the seconding state are in compliance with Polish regulations.
The financial settlement of daily overtime should be made on the next payday.