PRO HR December 2021


What is the newest issue of the employer newsletter about?

British citizens who are the beneficiaries of the agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU have the possibility to register their residence in Poland on preferential terms only until 31 December.

The temporary worker's situation in terms of working conditions and pay may not be less favourable than that of the user undertaking’s employees who perform the same or similar work. The principles of equal opportunity and non-discrimination apply in this regard.

The change planned by the Government will pertain to obtaining declarations on entrusting the performance of work to foreigners.

Already next year labour law will be amended with regard to, among other things, parental rights following from the Directive (2019/1158) on work-life balance for parents and carers.

Already next year labour law will be amended with regard to, among other things, parental rights following from the Directive (2019/1158) on work-life balance for parents and carers.

By the 17th of December this year, all European Union Member States will have to implement the Whistleblower Directive into their legal systems. In Poland, draft national legislation has been published and is currently in the consultation phase.

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