Remote working won't completely relieve employer of OHS obligations | PRO HR Press
The employee has the right to safe and hygienic working conditions also while performing remote work.
The organisation of the workplace in accordance with health and safety regulations and principles, ensuring the safe and hygienic condition of the premises and technical equipment, providing adequate hygienic and sanitary facilities and personal hygiene products, providing adequate meals and drinks, as well as providing the necessary means for emergency first aid, fire-fighting and evacuation and communication with external services.
From the moment that remote working is regulated in the Labour Code, the above health and safety obligations burdening the employer until now, will be the responsibility of the employee, and the employer will have the right to inspect their performance.
The manner in which inspections will be carried out, as well as the manner in which post-accident proceedings will be carried out, raise questions from employers' organisations at this point.
The key, therefore, will be the correct collection of the employee's declaration of compliance with safe and healthy working conditions.
Source: Dziennik Gazeta Prawna
Date: 28 July 2022
Language: Polish