New regulations on employment of foreigners | PRO HR Alert

A draft law on the employment of foreigners has been published on the website of the Government Legislative Centre. According to the assumption, it is intended to replace the existing provisions relating to the subject of employment of foreigners contained in the Law on Employment Promotion and Labour Market Institutions.
Several significant changes have been proposed:
- elimination of the labour market test - which had the effect of prolonging the process of legalizing the work of a foreigner,
- complete digitalization of proceedings for work permits - which will speed up proceedings,
- introduction of the possibility of changing the granted work permit in the event of a change in the conditions of employment analogous to a change in the residence permit - which so far required obtaining a new work permit,
- the abandonment of the procedure for extending a work permit (except for a seasonal work permit) - which was of marginal importance.
The draft does not represent a revolution in the area of employment of foreigners. It does not change the general rules for employing foreigners related to the obligation to obtain proper work permits. The draft organizes and simplifies the existing solutions, which should be evaluated positively.
We will keep you informed about further work on the new draft law.