Remote work and sobriety checks entacted | PRO HR Alert

Last night Sejm passed the Act on remote work and sobriety checks. Now we are waiting for the Senate's position.
1. Remote Work:
- regulations will be effective as of 2 months of their announcement in Journal of Laws,
- employer will bear costs of remote work,
- employee must submit a lot of statements,
- remote work on order is allowed during epidemic emergency state and 3 months after. Covid remote work will no longer apply!
- employer must implement remote work regulations. It must be consulted with employees’ representatives.
- if there are trade unions, remote work rules must be agreed in an agreement. After 30 days, they can be introduced independently.
- parents of children up to 4 years and pregnant employees can apply for remote work,
- there will be occasional remote work, up to 24 days a year, without a lot of paperwork and costs for the employer.
2. Sobriety and drugs check:
- regulations will be effective as of 14 days of their announcement in Journal of Laws,
- check can be applied to protect life and health of employees and other persons or to protect property,
- there will be 2 forms of checks: preventive and in case of suspicion (!),
- we keep the test documents in the personnel file,
- without „0 tolerance” rule (!): the result less than 0.2‰ or 0.1 mg - the person is considered sober and the result of the test cannot be in the personnel file
- employer must regulate rules of checks in the Work Rules, Collective Bargaining Agreement or Announcement,
- employer must indicate groups of employees under checks, manner of checks, type of device, time and frequency of chekcs,
- employer must notify employees on implementing checks 2 weeks in advance,
- checks will be applicable also to contractors – but only if employer is the party of the contract.
The Act will now be proceeded by the Senate.
Should you have any questions regarding the above, please contact us