Poland.Business Harbour programme expanded to include a new country | PRO HR Alert
The Poland.Business Harbour programme has been expanded to include another country - Azerbaijan. Thus, currently the programme is open to foreigners from 7 countries - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine.
The rules for applying for PBH visas will also change. From the 1st of February 2022, in order to obtain a visa with the annotation "Poland.Business Harbour", citizens of Belarus will need to have a document confirming their willingness to be employed by a Polish entity. Until now, they could apply for a visa without such a document, showing only their education or professional experience.
We would like to remind you that the Poland.Business Harbour programme is addressed to IT experts. Foreigners have the opportunity to obtain a visa to Poland on simplified terms. They can undertake work without a permit. It is also possible to open a one-person business activity.
In order for a candidate to obtain a visa, the prospective employer from the IT industry must apply to the programme. The notified employer will issue a document confirming their interest in hiring the candidate. This is attached to the visa application.
However, not all employers are accepted. The condition for the employer to participate in the programme is to have its registered office or branch in Poland. Entities not registered in Poland cannot participate in the programme.