Conclusion and termination of employment contracts in questions and answers | Library PRO HR
The publication contains answers to over 200 questions that arise in the process of hiring and firing employees.
This allows for its practical use in the daily work of HR departments. In our answers, we try to combine theory with a practical view of the matter, resulting from many years of advising clients in these areas.
Among other things, we answer questions about the content of an employment contract, the persons who may be its parties, the form and manner of its conclusion (including remotely) and other documents required when establishing an employment relationship.
In our answers regarding the termination of the employment relationship, we focus on the legal consequences of various ways and reasons for terminating the contract and provide guidance on how to conduct the process efficiently and avoid mistakes that may lead to further costly disputes. We also answer questions on the payment of various benefits related to the termination of the contract, sharing our knowledge on taxes and Social Security.
The authors of the book are lawyers from Raczkowski law firm: attorney-at-law Iwona Jaroszewska-Ignatowska PhD, senior lawyer Tomasz Kret, advocate Agnieszka Piasecka, attorney-at-law Anna Boguska, advocate Natalia Basista.
Table of contents:
- Conclusion of employment contracts
- Ways of terminating employment contracts
- Making redundancies in times of remote working
- Benefits connected with termination of employment contract.
Publication available only for subscribers of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna Premium.