PRO HR May 2024


The amendment to the Act on the Prevention of Sexual Offenses (the so-called Kamilek Act) is a response to the numerous cases of violence (including sexual violence) against children, which have been widely publicized in the media.

Remote work poses the risk of running out of designated employees at the workplace due to performing work remotely on a given day.

If an employee files a lawsuit for compensation for unlawful termination of employment and enters into a settlement with his/her former employer under which a certain amount is paid to him/her, this amount is not exempt from personal income tax.

Sometimes employers declare support for DEI values, make facade statements that they support diversity and inclusiveness, which gives the illusion that the company cares about DEI, while in reality they remain passive and do not implement initiatives, and sometimes even take actions contrary to their declarations.

The Personal Data Protection Office (PDPO) has announced the start of work on revising its guides.

A bill of an act on foreigners' access to the labour market has been published. It is part of a reform that aims to create more effective institutions to support the labour market.


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