Let’s avoid "Diversity washing." We need deep and reliable implementation of the idea of equity


Sometimes employers declare support for DEI values, make facade statements that they support diversity and inclusiveness, which gives the illusion that the company cares about DEI, while in reality they remain passive and do not implement initiatives, and sometimes even take actions contrary to their declarations. 

For example, the company officially supports the Equality Parade (it even posts on social media). As a result, it gains image-wise. However, in practice, managers look with an unfavourable eye at a rainbow flag on an employee's desk. A similar measure will be promoting candidates from a group vulnerable to discrimination during recruitment, but only for lower positions with no real possibility of promotion.

"Diversity washing" thus represents a discrepancy between what the company claims and what it actually does. Facade DEI does not bring benefits. It does not increase employee engagement, innovation, does not translate positively into results, does not reduce staff turnover, etc. In the long run, it leads to reputational damage.

How to avoid "Diversity washing"? It is necessary to have a well-thought-out and coherent strategy for the implementation of DEI, to actively engage company executives and managers, to collect regular feedback from employees. In practice, implementation audits are also helpful to see to what extent DEI declarations translate into real actions and solutions.

Find more in the PRO HR May 2024.