There will be changes to the Personal Data Protection Office's HR and whistleblowing guides. A public consultation has been launched


The Personal Data Protection Office (PDPO) has announced the start of work on revising its guides. Particularly relevant is the guide on data protection in the workplace, which has not been updated since 2018. It contains guidelines to guide employers, however some of its elements are no longer in line with current realities. 

At the same time, the PDPO will update its guide on responding to personal data breaches. It is especially important in crisis situations, such as when there has been a data leak from the company. It is therefore important for data controllers to know what the supervisory authority now expects of them in such situations.

The public consultation process for both guides has been launched. All interested parties can submit comments, questions and suggestions for changes until 21 June through dedicated channels available here. The comments collected will then be published on the PDPO's website and taken into account in the preparation of the new documents.

Find more in the PRO HR May 2024.