PRO HR January 2021

What should we paying attention to at the very beginning of the New Year? 

An employer cannot force an employee to vaccinate, but has certain responsibilities.

In some instances, guardianship, sickness and maternity benefits should be calculated using the higher level of employee salaries, not their reduced salaries if an employer has reduced employees’ working time on the basis of the Anti-Crisis Shield.

The Polish Development Fund (PFR) will release the long-awaited funds, worth up to PLN 35 billion, under the PFR 2.0 Financial Shield. Who is it for? 

What if the employer does not enter the correct NIP or PESEL number of his employee in the form?

The anti-covid law allows employers to extend unused holiday leave to their employees at a time of their choosing without obtaining employee consent and regardless of the holiday leave schedule, annual leave not taken in previous years.

Legislative work is underway on a bill to regulate the issue of introducing preventive control of employees for the presence of alcohol or similar substances. 

You can read more in PRO HR January 2021

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