Remote work according to the rules in place to date | PRO HR Coronavirus


Sejm has extended the remote work option for at least another 3 months.

The regulations introducing remote work were temporary and constituted the government’s response to the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic. Having regard for the persisting state of threat, Sejm has resolved to extend the term of validity of this solution without changing the principles of remote work.

The law amending the rules for posting employees providing services indicates that remote work in its current form may be performed for the term of the epidemic, the duration of the epidemiological threat and for 3 months after they are called off. The prerequisite for working in this manner is the effort to counteract COVID-19 involving the employer issuing instructions on remote work.

At present, many companies, especially office-based companies, continue to utilize remote work to curtail employee presence in work establishments. This solution means that remote work can be performed for a longer period having regard for the real level of the threat posed by COVID-19 in Poland. For that reason, it is also worthwhile to consider the enactment of remote work regulations and the incorporation therein of rules concerning the mixed used of remote work and on-site work in a work establishment. 

More in the HR law newsletter - PRO HR August 2020.