Parents can count on an additional care allowance in the new school year | PRO HR Coronavirus


From 1 to 20 September this year parents of children up to the age of 8 may reapply for additional care allowance.

The allowance is granted when the facility – school, kindergarten, nursery – is closed due to the coronavirus epidemic or if the nanny or day caregiver is unable to provide care due to COVID-19.

According to ZUS, parents will receive an additional care allowance also in a situation where schools cannot provide care due to their limited functioning during an epidemic, e.g. when lessons are held in a hybrid mode.

The employer cannot recall an employee from the additional care allowance. In the event of problems with ensuring the continuity of work, the solution may be to consult with the employee receiving the benefit about the performance of remote work (if possible), while taking care of the child.

After September 20, 2020, employees may take advantage of the "normal" care allowance, unless the duration of the additional care allowance is extended.

In the event of collective redundancies in the workplace, being on (additional) care allowance prevents the employer from giving the employee a notice of termination of the employment agreement.

More in the article Anna Boguska entitled "With the new school year, the child benefit returns", which was published in Rzeczpospolita (issue from September 10, 2020).