Quarantine and employees' isolation: the newest changes | PRO HR Coronavirus


Further changes to the regulations (in accordance with the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 23 October 2020 amending the Regulation on the establishment of certain restrictions, orders and bans in connection with the occurrence of an epidemic) due to the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, which concern employers and employees:

  • When referring to quarantine, the Sanepid (the Health Inspector) no longer issues a decision.
  • Compulsory quarantine for housemates has been abolished.
  • The payment of remuneration / sickness benefit will be made based on the data about the person subject to quarantine / home isolation - you do not need to submit the Sanepid's decision or special statements. ZUS will transfer such information to payer profiles.
  • A person who tests positive is automatically in home isolation, unless they have been referred to an isolation facility or hospital.
  • Professional and business meetings are allowed without the limit of participants.

The new regulations have entered into force from 24 October 2020.