Proper organization of remote work | PRO HR Library


The authors of our publication are: Iwona Jaroszewska-IgnatowskaZuzanna Rosner-LaskorzyńskaAgnieszka Anusewiczdr Michał KacprzykEdyta Jagiełło-JaroszewskaAdam Alkadi 

Remote work is commonly understood in various ways. However, regardless of which type of remote work the employer will want to apply in each of them, the key issues related to the proper organization of the employee's work, i.e., ordering and accounting for employee's duties, planning and accounting for working time, keeping records of working time by the employer, granting vacations, ensuring rest as required by law and keeping records of activities by the employee. Many doubts are connected with covering costs connected with providing work outside the workplace and the issues of ensuring safe and hygienic working conditions.

Last year the first accidents at remote work took place and the practice showed that establishing the circumstances and causes of these accidents was not easy. Surprisingly, the reported accidents were few, but those that were reported were in the form of severe and even fatal accidents.
Remote working, like any other job, has its advantages and disadvantages.

There is no doubt that it will stay with us for a long time, not only because of the current pandemic, the gradual reduction of office space, but also because of the possibility of a better work-life balance, with proper planning and hygiene of course. It is certainly a convenient solution for parents of young children and workers caring for the elderly and sick. It also gives the possibility to provide work from any place in the world.

Globalization and the growing care of companies for the employer image (so-called employer branding) cause employers to look more and more often at the legal possibilities of agreeing to remote working outside Poland, although it is associated with many obligations on the part of employees. We write about all these aspects connected with organization of work outside the workplace in our publication.

The book was published by Infor Biznes Sp. z o.o. and was available for purchase together with Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.