Compliance Day 2021 | Key findings


The fifth edition of the Compliance Day was devoted to whistleblower protection, the role of HR in implementing the compliance system and the latest global compliance trends. 

The invited guests and partners of our law firm raised important compliance issues in connection with the approaching deadline for implementation of the EU directive on whistleblower protection.

What are the most important conclusions from these discussions?
  • The scope of protection of a whistleblower already today results from the rich jurisprudence of the Supreme Court concerning criticism
  • Current legal solutions already provide ample protection for the whistleblower today
  • HR is the key to building effective compliance
  • Compliance must be consistent with company values
  • Procedures are not the most important
  • Communication is key: consistent, responsive, practicall and repeatable
  • Reporting channels must take into account of the organisation's communication principles
  • There is no single compliance solution - the effectiveness of the system depends to a large extent on the adaptation of the system to the organisation's principles, taking into account the purpose of compliance
  • Compliance must respond to well-being demands, e.g. in terms of reducing toxic workplace risks.

The implementation deadline for the directive is already approaching (the 17th of December 2021)! We suggest the following actions:
  • Determine whether the Directive will cover your organisation, assuming minimal implementation and limiting it to EU law
  • Review the channels for communicating irregularities to ensure security, anonymity, level of risk and size of organisation
  • Assessment of the effectiveness of current communication channels (e.g. One Question Test)
  • Assessment of the procedures and policies on whistleblowing (corruption, bribery, mobbing, harassment, discrimination, conflict of interest, social media presence, environment, health and safety, etc.) and their possible adaptation to the requirements of the Directive and the scope of implementation; if none, preparation of such procedures and their implementation together with the HR department
  • Organise compliance training for employees.

Video series | Do you want to learn how to implement a whistleblowing system correctly and effectively? Watch the videos and find out.

In need of support? 
Contact us:

Janusz Tomczak 

Łukasz Kuczkowski