The protection of personal data in employment | PRO HR Library
A comprehensive study containing practical issues regarding the protection of employees' personal data.
The book was edited by Ph. D Dominika Dörre-Kolasa, and the authors include: Ph. D Iwona Jaroszewska-Ignatowska, Edyta Jagiełło-Jaroszewska, Ph. D Damian Tokarczyk, Michalina Kaczmarczyk, Paulina Zawadzka-Filipczyk and Kinga Ciosk.
The subject of the GDPR, which is not the simplest, has been discussed taking into account all possible aspects of labour law. The issues of GDPR-compliant procedures for conducting preventive examinations, job candidates’ background checking, cooperation with trade unions and transfer of personal data abroad, in particular within capital groups, were also taken into account. An equally important aspect covered in the book is data processing in times of the society’s progressive digitization.
The “Protection of personal data in employment" book answers the following questions:
- What are the rights and obligations of the personal data processor resulting from GDPR regulations?
- How far can personal data be processed for employee purposes?
- What are data transfer procedures to third countries according to GDPR rules?
- What sanctions can be expected in relation to the violation of the regulations?
The table of contents includes:
- I. Sources of law in the field of personal data
- II. Basic concepts of personal data
- III. "Access" rights as institutional elements of employee rights protection. Theoretical and practical issues
- IV. Entrusting the processing of personal data in employment relations
- V. Obtaining personal data of an applicant and an employee under the provisions of the KP
- VI. Processing of personal data by employment agencies
- VII. Processing of personal data in temporary employment
- VIII. Artificial intelligence in HR law
- IX. Processing data on clean criminal record of job applicants and employees in the financial sector
- X. Processing of data on criminal convictions and offenses in relation to sexual offenders
- XI. Monitoring
- XII. The processing of personal data in connection with the employee's liability for order
- XIII. Personal data protection, teleworking and remote work
- XIV. Personal data protection in the aspect of collective labour law
- XV. Processing of personal data relating to health
- XVI. Processing of personal data in the activities of the Company Social Benefits Fund
- XVII. Processing of personal data in connection with the implementation by the employer of the additional pension security system
- XVIII. Inspector of Personal Data Protection
- XIX. International transfers of personal data
- XX. Security of personal data of employees
- XXI. Breach of personal data protection
- XXII. Administrative legal remedies
- XXIII. Compensation for damage due to breach of GDPR. The concept of damage
- XXIV. Offenses against the protection of personal data
- XXV. Review of decisions of the President of the Personal Data Protection Office which are relevant to the processing of personal data in employment
The publication was published by C.H. Beck and is available for purchase on the website of the publishing house "Personal data protection in employment".