Mobbing at the Workplace | PRO HR Library


A study dealing with mobbing in the context of employment law.​​book mobbing w miejscu pracy

The authors are: attorney-at-law Piotr Lewandowski, attorney-at-law Anna Boguska, trainee advocate Natalia Łokińska, advocate Katarzyna Soboń.

Mobbing has been defined in the labour code. It states, that employer’s duty is to prevent mobbing. The act does not define, however, how it should be prevented. These measures come from practice and judicial decisions.

The authors of the book “Mobbing at the Workplace” have clearly and simply put current legal framework and the most important matters resulting from this issue to employers.

In particular:

  • what mobbing is, 
  • how to differentiate it from other illegal acts, 
  • what preventing mobbing entails,
  • how to fulfil this duty,
  • what rights the employee and the employer have,
  • how they can exercise their rights.

The book has also a wide set of crucial provisions and judicial decisions. 

The study is directed mainly to specialists from HR departments, heads of training and HR departments and personal coaches.

List of contents of “Mobbing at the Workplace”
  • Introduction
  • The definition of mobbing 
  • Mobbing and discrimination
  • Preventing mobbing
  • Employees’ claims for mobbing
  • Claims for mobbing in judicial decisions
  • Mobbing and breaching personal rights
  • Liability of the employee-mobber
  • Provisions of the labour code on mobbing and discrimination
  • Judicial decisions on mobbing cases

The edition was published by Infor Biznes Sp. z o.o. and was available for purchase with Dziennik Gazeta Prawna. The book is in Polish.