Co-financing from the Guaranteed Employee Benefits Fund - not only Anti-Crisis Shield applies | PRO HR Coronavirus


To clarify certain issues, one must refer to the Act on job protection form 2013. The provisions are to be used accordingly, and that it is not always simple and obvious.

Additionally, some provisions of the Act of 11 October 2013 on special solutions related to the protection of jobs apply to the co-financing paid on the basis of art. 15g of the COVID-19 Act.

Many matters referred to in the Act on special solutions related to the protection of jobs are already regulated by the Act on COVID-19 (special act). Some regulations are also included in a co-financing agreement concluded between the labor office and a given company.

The overlapping of these three sources sometimes creates significant difficulties in assessing which regulations apply. As the provisions of the Act on special solutions related to the protection of jobs are applied accordingly, in a given case, the provisions of the special act should always be taken into account.

More in the article by Łukasz Kuczkowski „Co-financing from the Guaranteed Employee Benefits Fund - not only the special act applies” for Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.