Anti-Crisis Shield 3.0 - the bill is waiting for the President's signature | PRO HR Coronavirus


The bill providing further support for entrepreneurs affected by the COVID-19 epidemic is waiting for the President's signature. Below are the key changes to the act. 

Additional care allowance

  • From 25 May 2020, an additional care allowance will be available to the insured released from performing work due to the necessity to provide personal care over only a disabled child or a disabled adult during the lock-down of the same facilities as now – for up to 14 days. 
  • As of 25 May 2020, the care allowance will no longer be provided to carers of children without disabilities. 

Deductions from the salary

  • If, as a result of actions associated with prevention of SARS-COV-2 virus infection, an employee’s salary has been reduced or an employee’s family member has lost the source of income, the amounts free of the deductions referred to in Article 87¹ of the Labor Code are increased by 25% for each family member without an income dependent on such employee. 

Exemption from social security contributions

  • The group of entrepreneurs entitled to an exemption from ZUS contributions for April-May 2020 has been expanded.


  • A foreigner may perform work on unchanged terms without the need to change his/her temporary residence and work permit, obtain a new work permit (including seasonal work permit) or register a new declaration on entrusting work to be performed by a foreigner in the records of declarations. 
  • The term of validity of residence cards of EU citizens’ family members, documents confirming the right to permanent residence and permanent residence cards of EU citizens’ family members which elapsed during the state of epidemic threat or state of epidemic in connection with COVID-19 has been extended.

Proceedings – new rules for holding court sessions

  • It will be possible to hold court sessions via video conferencing.
  • A “traditional” court session can be held if this does not pose excessive hazard to the participants' health (although it is unknown how courts will assess that).
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