Maternity leave extended by up to 15 weeks - there is a bill


On the occasion of this year's Mother's Day, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy announced a bill extending maternity leave for parents of premature babies and parents of babies born on time but requiring hospitalization.
The purpose of extending maternity leave is to compensate employee-parents for the time spent with their child in the hospital due to the inability to discontinue maternity leave until eight weeks after delivery.
Additional maternity leave will be granted at the rate of one week of additional maternity leave for each week of the child's stay in the hospital - that is, "one week for one week," with a maximum of up to 15 weeks or up to eight weeks, respectively, depending on the conditions outlined in the table.

Conditions regarding the week of pregnancy, birth weight and period of hospitalization

Maximum length of additional leave

children born before the end of the 28th week of pregnancy or with a birth weight of no more than 1,000 g

15 weeks

children born after the end of the 28th week of pregnancy and before the end of the 36th week of pregnancy with a birth weight of more than 1,000 g

8 weeks

children born after the end of the 36th week of pregnancy (i.e. on time), who will require hospitalization from the 5th day from the day of delivery until the end of the 8th week after delivery - provided that the child's stay in the hospital will be at least 2 consecutive days between the 5th and 28th day after delivery

8 weeks


Parents will be able to take the leave on an optional basis. Additional maternity leave will have to start immediately after maternity leave and will have to be taken in one piece.

The bill is planned to be adopted by the Council of Ministers in Q3 2024.

Find more in the PRO HR June 2024