Requests for parental leave - new guidelines from 18 May | PRO HR May 2023
Three weeks after the amendment of the Labour Code, we know what an employee's request for parental leave should contain.
The new regulation specifies the content of employees' requests:
- for granting a portion of maternity leave, parental leave, paternity leave, child rearing leave, leave on maternity leave terms or parts thereof;
- on resignation from part of maternity leave and leave on maternity leave terms;
- on combining the use of parental leave or part thereof with work;
- for reduction in the working hours for a person eligible to parental leave;
A list of documents to be attached to selected requests has been specified.
The employer has the right to require the employee to submit original documents if copies are submitted with the request.
Documents that are in the employee's personnel file do not have to be attached to the requests.
The new guidelines have been in effect since 18 May.
Find more in the PRO HR May 2023