There will be two additional work breaks | PRO HR October 2022


We still do not know the effective date of regulations implementing the provisions of two directives of the European Parliament and the Council covering Work Life Balance issues into the Polish Labour Code (even though the deadline for their implementation passed in August).

The new legislation introduces changes to the Labour Code that are significant for employers.  

The draft of the new regulations provides for the introduction of two additional work breaks. Currently, an employee whose daily working time exceeds 6 hours is entitled to one 15-minute break, included in the working time. 

After the amendment, in addition to the above-mentioned break, employees will be entitled to two more breaks, which will also depend on the working time, i.e. if the working time is:

  • longer than 9 hours - the employee will be entitled to an additional break of at least 15 minutes; 
  • longer than 16 hours - the employee will be entitled to another break of at least 15 minutes. 

The employer will still have the right to introduce an additional break up to 60 minutes, not counted as working time, for eating a meal or running personal errands - under the same rules as now.

Find more in the PRO HR October 2022.