The employment relationship with a person called to perform territorial military service may be terminated only with the employee’s consent | PRO HR May


Pursuant to the Fatherland Defense Act, the employee’s consent to terminate the employment contract does not need to be obtained in cases where the employment contract has been entered into for a probationary period or for a fixed term of no more than 12 months or in the event of bankruptcy or liquidation of the work establishment. 

The employer may also terminate the employment contract with a person appointed to perform territorial military service without notice for reasons attributable to the employee.

If the employer or the employee submits a notice of termination of the employment relationship before the employee is called to perform territorial military service, but the employment contract would be effectively terminated after the submission of such notice, it becomes ineffective. In this case, the termination of the employment contract may only take place at the employee’s request.

Find more in the PRO HR May 2022.