It is not necessary to consult the termination of an employee, even if we deduct trade union membership fees for them, if the trade union does not respond to an inquiry about their membership | PRO HR August


At the employee's request, the employer deducts trade union membership fees from the employee's salary and remits them to the trade union.

If the employer nevertheless asks the trade union whether the person belongs to it, and the union does not respond, or gives a negative answer, the employer is relieved of the obligation to consult on the termination of the employment contract, even if in fact the person belongs to the trade union.

If there is more than one trade union in the company, it is important to remember that even if we know that an employee belongs to one of them, just to be on the safe side, it is better to ask the other trade unions about their membership as well, as the employee may also belong to other organizations to which they pay the fees on their own, or they may not have withdrawn their request for deductions after leaving the trade union.

Find more in the PRO HR August 2022.