Particular protection of women's work in the field of occupational safety and health | PROHR Press


Until five years ago, women could not be employed in jobs considered to be particularly arduous or harmful. However, this restriction was considered by the European Commission to be in breach of the principle of gender equality.

For this reason, the legislation has been amended and brought into line with European regulations. Currently, they primarily protect pregnant and breastfeeding women, without limiting access to employment and the labour market for other female candidates. 

If an employer employs a pregnant woman or a breastfeeding mother in arduous or harmful work, certain measures must be taken. Depending on the situation, he is obliged, for example, to transfer her to another job, release her from the obligation to perform work, adjust her working conditions or reduce her working hours. An employer who acts contrary to these obligations will face a fine.

The regulations provide for a number of other protective measures for pregnant women (e.g. 10-minute break from work at a screen monitor, prohibition of employment at night and overtime) and nursing mothers (e.g. breastfeeding breaks included in the working time). 

More in the article by Ph.D. Iwona Jaroszewska-Ignatowska and Zuzanna Rosner-Laskorzyńska  "Particular protection of women's work in the field of occupational safety and health" for  Occupational Health and Safety Monitor Inforlex (article of 15.07.2021).