The directive on transparent and predictable working conditions will introduce compulsory indication of the reason for termination and trade union consultation for fixed-term employment contracts | PRO HR June


Poland has time to implement the directive on transparent and predictable working conditions until 1 August 2022. The draft amendments to the Labour Code in this regard provide for a number of new employee rights.

The most revolutionary change is the obligation to indicate the reason for termination and trade union consultation with respect to fixed-term employment contracts.

The employee is to be able to challenge such a reason in court and demand not only compensation as before, but also reinstatement. 

Other important changes include:

  • no possibility of prohibiting an employee from being in an employment relationship with another employer (excluding work for a competitor)
  • the possibility of extending a probationary contract for the period of vacation or other excused absence and making its length dependent on the term of the next employment contract
  • extension of the catalogue of information provided on the basis of Article 29 of the Labour Code to include, inter alia, the rules on overtime work and compensation for such work, the applicable procedure for termination of employment, the employee's right to training or information on protection related to social security provided by the employer
  • the right of an employee to request once a year a change in the type of work, contract of employment or full-time employment
  • an obligation to inform employees about full-time and part-time employment opportunities, promotion procedures and vacancies

Find more in the PRO HR June 2022.