The Polish Lower Chamber of Parliament (Sejm) passed revolutionary changes to the Labour Code! | PRO HR Alert

On the 8th of February 2023, the Polish Lower Chamber of Parliament (Sejm) passed revolutionary changes to the Labour Code!
The following changes have been introduced:
Obligation to provide a specific reason in the termination of a fixed-term contract.
The length of the probationary contract will depend on the length of the fixed-term contract that follows.
5 days of unpaid carer's leave for the employee.
2 days or 16 hours of force majeure leave for urgent family matters due to illness or accident, paid at 50%.
Parental leave extended by 2 months. Fathers will be able to use it. If they do not use it, it will be forfeited. 70% of the benefit base will be paid for this period.
Prohibition to order overtime or send employees raising children under 8 years of age on business trips without their consent.
An additional 15-minute paid break from work, if work lasts for more than 9 hours. If it is 16 hours of work, there will be three, fully paid, 15-minute breaks.
Protection against termination from the moment you apply for maternity or parental leave.
More extensive information to the employment contract.
These changes are the result of the so-called work-life balance directive for parents and carers.
The bill will now go to the Senate (Higher Chamber of Parliament).
The changes are expected to come into force 21 days after publication in the Journal of Laws