Łukasz Kuczkowski the new leader of Going Paperless in HR


From the 1st of September 2021, Łukasz Kuczkowski on behalf of  our firm joined the leadership team of the Going Paperless in HR programme, run jointly by Raczkowski and Maruta Wachta law firms.

In his new role,  Łukasz will implement new services and technological solutions. 

"It is impossible to escape from the digitisation of HR areas. So we are not asking ourselves whether to digitise, but when to digitise. This process will only increase as companies in the age of remote working have realised that paper is unnecessary in HR. Digitisation also reflects the changing role of HR. 

In the near future, solutions based on artificial intelligence will start to become more and more available. All data-driven HR processes (hiring, firing, assessments, etc.) will be the domain of AI. The role of HR will focus on human relations. The digitisation of HR areas is the beginning of this revolution. Companies that  embrace this process early on, will only gain from it. Also in relation to the competitors.

The process of implementing our Going Paperless in HR programme is an adventure that provides a huge dose of new experiences and know-how. It is crucial to understand the project, also from the legal and technological side. This completely changes the level of involvement of the client in the project implementation process, accelerates the project and allows you to enjoy its effects relatively quickly. My advice to companies and HR departments that are thinking about digitising is to digitise, digitise and digitise again. With the right partner". – says Łukasz Kuczkowski.

The benefits of implementing Paperless in HR are obvious: time savings, security and efficiency of HR processes, cost reductions, easy  access to information, as well as  social and environmental responsibility.
Do you want to digitise your HR processes and have questions about how to do it? Drop me a line. 

Łukasz Kuczkowski
Legal Counsel / Partner
E: lukasz.kuczkowski@raczkowski.eu