Employment of foreigners in a pandemic | PROHR Press


The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to many changes in the labour market.  These have not been without impact on the principles of employment of foreigners. 

In connection with the restrictions and prohibitions established during the epidemic, specific solutions concerning residence and work of foreigners in Poland have been introduced. In specific cases, they modify the conditions of employment of foreigners. 

However, the general principles have remained unchanged. Thus, employers must still remember about the proper legalization of stay and work of foreigners they intend to employ. In order to take up employment, work permits are required. In order to stay legally in Poland, foreigners must have relevant documents, e.g. visas or temporary residence permits.

Special provisions introduce certain facilitations for employees who stayed in Poland before the pandemic and for those who obtained certain permits during the pandemic. On their basis, the validity of temporary residence permits or work permits has been extended. In certain cases, employers also have the possibility of changing the conditions of employment of foreigners without having to obtain new documents legalizing work for them.

There are also limitations. Based on specific provisions, a catalogue of persons able to cross the external borders of Poland was introduced. Certain persons entering the country are also obliged to undergo quarantine after crossing the border.

More in the article by dr Michała Kacprzyka, Marty Dudczak i Jana PietruczukaJak legalnie zatrudniać obcokrajowca w czasie epidemii“ dla Dziennik Gazeta Prawna  (article dated 16th of April 2021).