Artificial intelligence systems in employment | PROHR Press


Progressive technological development means that more and more decisions are being delegated to artificial intelligence (AI). AI systems are used in many areas of life, including employment. In many organisations, AI systems are implemented into recruitment processes. The use of AI systems in recruitment is wide: the systems perform, among other things, CV screening, conduct video interviews with job candidates. 

However the use of AI systems in recruitment processes poses many risks, e.g. in terms of personal data protection. The so-called "algorithmic discrimination" is also a big problem. In addition, there is the problem of the lack of "explainability" and transparency of decisions made by artificial intelligence systems. 

On the 21st of April 2021 The European Commission has published a draft regulation on AI. AI systems used in the field of employment have been classified as high risk due to their significant impact on employment and the future job prospects of employees. 

Planned AI systems used in employment will undergo a thorough pre-market assessment and will be supervised throughout their function cycle in the market. 

Article available in the new HR magazine on High-Heels magazine.