The end of the Brexit transition period is fast approaching.


We are only 6 weeks away from the new reality of Great Britain withdrawing from the European Union.

How is this reality to look like from 01 January 2021?

  • Pursuant to the agreement on the withdrawal of Great Britain from the EU, the British, EU citizens and members of their families who exercise the right of residence and continue to reside in the current country after 31 December 2020 will retain their rights. Depending on local regulations, they may be required to undergo confirmation of status under the Withdrawal Agreement.
  • Persons who have not exercised their right of residence before the end of the transition period and will enter the UK or an EU country will be required to obtain appropriate work permits. This applies to both local employment and posted workers.
  • In Poland, it is planned to introduce a special permit for British people who, before the end of the transition period, stayed in our country as posted workers and continue their stay after 31 December 2020.
  • The rules for ensuring appropriate employment conditions for employees posted to Poland or the United Kingdom will remain unchanged.
  • It is possible that the withdrawal of Great Britain from the EU will result in the inability to obtain an A1 certificate for employees posted to Great Britain.

More in the article by Michał Kacprzyk, PhD and Marta Dudczak "Brexit means changes also in cross-border employment" for Dziennik Gazeta Prawna (article from 19 November 2020).