Termination of employment contracts | PRO HR Library


The book discusses practical issues and problems concerning termination of contracts during the COVID-19 pandemic.

book termination of employment contractsThe authors of the book are lawyers from the Raczkowski law firm: Katarzyna Sarek-Sadurska, Dominika Dörre-Kolasa, Agnieszka Piasecka, Anna Boguska, Tomasz Kret, Wojciech Kwiatkowski and Paulina Urbańska.

Correct execution of the employee dismissal process is difficult for employers, especially when such decisions result from the economic situation. The book concentrates on the legal consequences of various causes of termination of the contract and guidelines on how to perform the process efficiently, avoiding errors which could lead to expensive disputes. The publication also includes a review of the most interesting judgments issued by the Supreme Court over the past few years concerning termination of employment contracts.

The book “Termination of employment contracts” replies to the following questions:
  • What are legal consequences of various causes of terminating an employment contract?
  • How to dismiss an employee remotely?
  • What benefits can employers offer to their employees in connection with termination of employment contract?
  • How are the above issues interconnected with the personal data aspect?
Table of contents to the book “Termination of employment contracts”


  • Chapter 1. Ways of terminating the contract
  • Chapter 2. Dismissing employees at the times of remote work
  • Chapter 3. Benefits on account of termination of an employment contract
  • Chapter 4. Personal data protection
  • Chapter 5. Review of Supreme Court line of rulings

The book has been published by Infor publishing house and is available in the online shop.