Criminal and minor offenses in employment. Commentary | PRO HR Library


The first comprehensive study on criminal law in the field of employment. 

It provides basic information on criminal law and offences and comments on  employment-related criminal and minor offenses. Authored by PhD advocate Damian Tokarczyk.

What can be found in this publication? 

It describes all the laws known to the author which provide for liability for labour crimes and offenses. It presents the most important institutions of criminal law and offenses related to criminal and minor offenses in the labour law.

The author focuses on:

  • the characteristics of labour criminal law, 
  • basic information on criminal law and minor offenses law, 
  • commentary on the provisions specifying criminal and minor offenses related to labour law.

The book "Criminal and minor offenses related to employment. The commentary" is a practical handbook for practitioners of the judiciary (advocates and legal advisers), lawyers forming legal and HR departments as well as public officers conducting proceedings in criminal cases of the labour law.

Content of the book "Crimes and offenses related to employment. The commentary": 
  • Introduction
  • Part I. Criminal law, labour law and criminal labour law - an attempt at a model approach
  • Criminal law - labour law - criminal labour law. An attempt at a model approach
  • Crime and offenses
  • Convergence of provisions / criminal acts
  • Structure of the crime and offenses
  • Signs of a crime / offenses 
  • Principles of criminal and minor liability
  • Prosecution of crimes and offenses
  • Part II. Commentary on individual provocations of the criminal labour law

The publication was published by Wolters Kluwer and is available online.