Bartłomiej Raczkowski Becomes Member of the American Employment Law Council
Bartłomiej Raczkowski, Managing Partner at Raczkowski has become a member of the American Employment Law Council (AELC), the America’s premier labor and employment organization comprised of lawyers representing employers.
AELC’s members include the best and brightest management-side lawyers who work in-house or in private practice in the United States and/or abroad. Bartłomiej is the only Polish lawyer who has been invited to become a member of AELC.
AELC serves as a meeting ground for lawyers committed to professional excellence in the resourceful and principled representation of employers. Membership by invitation only, is open to experienced and accomplished lawyers.
AELC is dedicated to the development and commitment to highest standards and responsibility in the legal practice, to the principle of equality in the workplace and to the competitive success of employers served by its members in the national and international markets.
Bartłomiej is also an associate member of the American Bar Association Employment Law Section, a Vice-Chair of its Outreach to International Lawyers Committee, past Chair and current Member of the Board of the European Employment Lawyers Association, Member of the International Bar Association and the American Immigration Lawyers Association. He is also a founding member and past President of the Polish Employment Law Association, a past Chair of Employment Law Committee of Warsaw Bar and a Member of the Editorial Board of the Polish Employment Law Monitor.