PRO HR Whistleblowers | June 2024


The special edition of our PRO HR Whistleblowers is available! 


Since the Whistleblower Protection Act of 14 June 2024 was adopted and now is pending its entry into force, we are presenting a special edition of PRO HR dedicated to what the new law will change for the employers. During more than 5 years of discussion about whistleblowers, it was easy to lose the sense of this regulation. Therefore, let us remind you what these regulations are to be used for.

What do we write about?


Statutory guarantees for the protection of persons who report breaches are implemented to make it easier to acquire information on breaches in sensitive areas of the functioning of EU Member States, both in the public and private sectors. 

The Act describes “whistleblowers” as persons who, in connection with their work, report (either internally or externally) or publicly disclose the breach of law, provided that they act in good faith. 

Whistleblower protection consists in ensuring of confidentiality of all information acquired from such whistleblower and the whistleblower’s data, prohibition of retaliation in response to reporting or public disclosure and prohibition of initiating persistent procedures against the whistleblower. 

Implementation of the Whistleblower Protection Act requires review of the existing procedures, establishment of reporting channels and persons operating them and preparation (in consultation with employees) of the appropriate procedure.

The internal reporting procedure may (but does not have to) include a system of incentives encouraging internal reporting. 

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