Burnout is a disease
Employer, take care to ensure your employees enjoy comfortable working conditions and good mental health.
As of 1 January 2022, burnout will be recognized as a disease for which a physician can issue medical leave.
In June of 2019 WHO placed burnout in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Until now, burnout has only been considered to be a syndrome.
Burnout presents the following symptoms, among others:
- a feeling of exhaustion,
- depressed mood, apathy,
- lower performance,
- reduced evaluation of achievements.
The following factors can contribute to burnout: inadequate pay, work overload, ineffective management, poor work culture.
Employee well-being is now a topic of interest to employers. Providing for work & life balance is a standard.
More and more employers are offering webinars on well-being to their employees, meaning the benefits of mental health therapy.
Proper workplace management affects not just employee performance but also their feeling of well-being.
Caring for employees’ mental and physical condition will certainly attenuate the risk of massive levels of employee leave due to burnout.
Find more in the PRO HR October 2021