Facing today's work organisation challenges | Webinar series


COVID-19 has shown what the labour market of the future will look like. It has brought about many changes and its effects will be noticed for a long time. Working models, methods and tools are changing.

The return to office work will take place in a number of stages, and the very way in which work time is performed and planned will be different from that before the pandemic.

What are the current challenges for work organisation? How should employers plan their HR policies for the next few years? How will this affect an employee who, virtually overnight, has been forced to operate under new conditions?

Raczkowski and Dehora (a consulting firm in the field of working time planning and human resources management) invite you to a series of webinars "Facing current challenges of work organisation", during which trends, challenges and problems related to working time and remote working will be discussed, as well as the impact of remote working on productivity on one hand, and professional burn-out on the other.

We invite you to register.

WEBINAR 1 | Current work organisation challenges – managers' expectations versus employees' expectations.