An Employer can pay for COVID-19 in a company | PRO HR Press


Due to the current situation in the country, many employers ask themselves the following questions:

  1. In the event of COVID-19 infection among my employees, will they be able to claim money against me?
  2. If so, what kind of a claim they could make?
  3. What does the employee have to prove in court in order to obtain financial compensation from me?
  4. Can I do anything to protect myself from employee claims?
  5. Does the state of the epidemic protects me from liability?
  6. As an employer, can I be criminally liable for COVID-19 infections among my employees?

You can find answers to these questions in the article by Agnieszka Anusewicz: "An Employer can pay for COVID-19 in a company." for Rzeczpospolita (article from 4 March 2021).