Raczkowski Paruch strengthens its business crime and compliance team.


Janusz Tomczak, adwokat, as of September 2018 joins Dominika Stępińska-Duch as the second partner in the Raczkowski Paruch business crime and compliance practice. 
Previously, he spent fifteen years with the Wardyński i Wspólnicy law firm as the leader of the criminal practice. 

Janusz Tomczak brings wide-ranging experience in providing advice to and representing corporate and individual clients who face the risk of criminal liability or have been wronged by a crime. He has carried out anti-misconduct projects and he has worked on the design and the implementation of anticorruption procedures as well as on the design of whistleblowing lines in both Polish and international structures. He is a member of the Criminal Law Committee of the International Bar Association, a Transparency International expert and a disciplinary judge.

 “I am very pleased that a lawyer of such wide-ranging and international experience is joining a team I have built over the recent years. This confirms that the direction we have chosen is the right one." – says Dominika Stępińska-Duch, adwokat and partner, the founder the Raczkowski Paruch business crime and compliance practice.

“The growth of the Raczkowski Paruch business crime and compliance practice reflects the firm’s consistent strategy of building an HR law firm rather than simply a labor law firm. Moreover, the situation in the market means that demand is increasing for criminal law advice. Well-informed corporate boards want to react adequately to trade secret theft or corruption among employees. In addition, we must remember about the upcoming legislative changes to the rules governing the liability of corporate entities, as they might significantly restructure every entrepreneur's map of legal risks”, says Bartłomiej Raczkowski, advocate and partner at Raczkowski Paruch. 

The business crime and compliance team supports the Clients, among others, by representing them before law enforcement and administrative organs, in internal investigations, in the design and review of compliance programs and in crisis management.

Raczkowski Paruch are a team of expert lawyers who specialize in serving companies in all legal issues related to HR management, including labor and social security law, litigation, compliance, criminal business law, personal data protection, global mobility and immigration and employee taxation.

At present, the Raczkowski Paruch team includes nearly 60 lawyers, among them University of Warsaw Professor Łukasz Pisarczyk, Ph.D., who is one of the greatest labor law authorities in Poland. Raczkowski Paruch is a member of Ius Laboris, the biggest international association of law firms of a similar profile, which is present in nearly 50 jurisdictions. Through Ius Laboris, Raczkowski Paruch makes it possible to coordinate legal support in all the key jurisdictions.