Bartłomiej Raczkowski has been titled of a “Lawyer of the 30 Years”


Bartłomiej Raczkowski has been titled of a “Lawyer of the 30 Years” [Prawnik Trzydziestolecia].


This award is a special form of recognising the unique achievements of leading corporate lawyers who, after 1989, made an extraordinary contribution to the development of the legal services market, founded or co-founded law firms, and, at the same time, contributed to the development of legislation, shaping the Polish economy and market principles through their scientific and social work or work for state institutions.

The prestigious group of awarded includes: Prof. Stanisław Sołtysiński, Andrzej W. Kawecki, Andrzej Szlęzak, Tomasz Gizbert-Studnicki, and Prof. Marek Wierzbowski. 


The list has been prepared by the Polish Association of Legal Employers and Rzeczpospolita daily to honour outstanding lawyers who have made a unique contribution to the development of the industry after 1989