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TRAINING SESSION | Remuneration reports of listed companies’ board of directors

18 March 2021 r. | 10-11 am | Paid online training session

New challenges for companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange

Starting this year, drawing up remuneration reports of management and supervisory board members has become an obligation resulting from the law. Last year, listed companies developed remuneration policies for members of the management and supervisory board.

Currently they will have to prepare the first remuneration report covering 2019-2020.

During the training we will talk about:

  • Who is responsible for drawing up the report and the information it should contain?
  • What information should be included in the remuneration report?
  • What will the auditor assess and what will be the nature of the resolution of the general meeting regarding the report?
  • What are the obligations related to the publication of the reports?
  • What is the risk of failure to comply with the obligation to draw up a report or what if it includes false information in it?

Who should be interested in the event?

Legal departments, management and supervisory boards, management boards and supervisory boards members of listed companies.


The cost of participation is 499 PLN + VAT.

Details and registration by email:
